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Here’s a short and quick ¨Puerto Vallarta history tour¨.

One of the reasons why we recommend Puerto Vallarta area for retirement living is for the rich history and culture.

The founder of Puerto Vallarta was Mr. Guadalupe Sanches Torres. He arrived in Puerto Vallarta on a 12th of December of 1851. The 12th of December is the Day of our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico. So he named this place ¨Puerto las Peñas de Santa Maria de Guadalupe¨.

Mr. Guadalupe Sanches Torres commercialized salt to the mining towns like “San Sebastian of the West”. The gold and silver mines are still working up to this day.

The name of Puerto Las Penas, was changed in 1910 to honor the governor of Jalisco, Mr. Ignacio Luis Vallarta. A monument in his honor can be found on the main town square.

In 1951 during the 100th year century celebration, John Houston discovers Puerto Vallarta. He decides to film the movie ¨The night of the Iguana¨. With Richard Burton, Eva Gardner, Debora Kerr and Sue Lyon.

Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton fell in love during the  filming of Cleopatra, several years before ¨The night of the Iguana¨.

Elizabeth and Richard met in Puerto Vallarta during the filming of the movie making Puerto Vallarta famous. The hidden getaway for lovers in Mexico.

In 1988 the movie ¨The Predator¨, with Arnold Schwarzenegger was filmed in Puerto Vallarta.

History tours are available by certified guides. Please contact us for rates and more information.

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